Raymond Grumney Software Developer

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Faye & Grumpy - Puzzle Platformer Game Prototype

Faye and Grumpy Puzzle Platformer Game prototype

Built in the Unity game engine using C# and the MonoDevelop IDE. It features multiple player characters, one a traditional jumping platforming character, the other with custom physics that can move across surfaces of any angle.

Tools used:

  • Unity & MonoDevelop Level and object design, testing and debugging

  • MonoDevelop IDE Coding in C#

  • Photoshop Artistic Asset Creation


Computer Doctor of Calisota - Design and Building

Computer Doctor of Calisota website

Based loosely on an existing 'bad' web site, the assignment was to design and build a 'good' version using skills acquired over several web development courses. All elements including a new logo and background elements were done in Photoshop, except for several pieces of stock photography.

Tools used:

  • Photoshop (layout, design and graphics)

  • Dreamweaver (construction and uploading)

  • NetBeans (HTML and CSS editing)

  • Layout tested in Chrome, Safari, IE and Firefox


  • Responsive design that adjusts based on screen or window size

  • Compatibility across multiple browsers

Premiere Products - PHP and mySQL

Premiere Products website

This is a simple PHP project that interacts with a database. Sales reps can be added or removed and edited using a web interface.

Tools used

  • Dreamweaver (coding)

  • PHP and MySQL


  • Access and modification of a mySQL database

  • GUI built in Dreamweaver

How to Make Dungeon Tiles - Video Shooting and Editing

How to Make Dungeon Tiles on Youtube

Shot, written, edited and hosted by me, this is a simple step-by-step guide to making 3d tabletop terrain pieces for Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons, and so on.

Tools used

  • Nikon Coolpix L820

  • iMovie (editing)


  • Integrated still and motion photography

  • Voice-overs, transitions

  • Easy-to-follow instructions and concise writing